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1) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, A sandwich-type theorem for invariant measures, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 38 (1990), 415-424.

2) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Sandwich theorems and applications to invariant measures, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 38 (1990) 511-524.

3) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, On the existence of continuous invariant means with respect to amenable semigroups, Rend. Mat. (Roma), Serie VII 10 (1990), 303-319.

4) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Invariant means with special properties, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 41 (1993), 167-180.

5) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Extensions and uniqueness theorems for invariant measures, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 41 (1993), 181-194.

6) A. BOCCUTO, Riesz spaces, integration and sandwich theorems, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 3 (1993), 213-230.

7) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Sandwich theorems, extension principles and amenability, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 42 (1994), 257-271.

8) A. BOCCUTO, On Stone-type extensions for group-valued measures, Math. Slovaca 45 (1995), 309-315.

9) A. BOCCUTO, Continuous invariant vector-valued means and applications, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 43 (1995), 229-244.

10) A. BOCCUTO, Abstract integration in Riesz spaces, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 5 (1995), 107-124.

11) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, On the De Giorgi-Letta integral with respect to means with values in Riesz spaces, Real Anal. Exchange 21 (2) (1995/1996) pp. 793-810.

12) A. BOCCUTO, Vitali - Hahn - Saks and Nikodym theorems for means with values in Riesz spaces, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 44 (1996), 157-173.

13) A. BOCCUTO, Dieudonné-type theorems for means with values in Riesz spaces, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 8 (1996), 29-42.

14) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, The Burkill-Cesari integral for Riesz-spaces, Rendiconti Ist. Mat. di Trieste, 28 (1996), 33-47.

15) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, The monotone integral with respect to Riesz-space valued capacities, Rend. Mat. (Roma) Ser. VII 16 (1996), 491-524.

16) A. BOCCUTO, Integration in Riesz spaces with respect to (D)-convergence, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 10 (1997), 33-54.

17) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Comparison between different types of abstract integral in Riesz spaces, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Ser. II, 46 (1997), 255-278.

18) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Abstract integration in convergence groups, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, XLVI, (1998), 315-333.

19) A. BOCCUTO, E. VITILLARO, Asymptotic stability for abstract evolution equations and applications to partial differential systems, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Ser. II, 47 (1998), 25-48.

20) A. BOCCUTO, R. FILIPPUCCI, On the Eigenvalues of the Polyharmonic Operator, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, Supplemento al Vol. 46 (1998), 479-496.

21) A. BOCCUTO, Differential and Integral Calculus in Riesz spaces, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 14 (1998), 293-323.

22) A. BOCCUTO, Multidimensional Differential Calculus in Riesz spaces, Acta Math. (Nitra), 3 (1998), 95-110; Addendum to the article “Multidimensional Differential Calculus in Riesz spaces”, ibidem, 4 (2000), 233.

23) A. BOCCUTO, Integration by parts with respect to the Henstock-Stieltjes integral in Riesz spaces , Acta Math.(Nitra), 4 (2000), 127-146; Addendum to “Integration by parts with respect to the Henstock-Stieltjes integral in Riesz spaces”, ibidem, 9 (2006), 25-26.

24) A. BOCCUTO, E. MITIDIERI, Regularity results for Positive Solutions of a Semilinear Elliptic System, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 179 (2001), 125-147.

25) A. BOCCUTO, A Perron-type integral of order 2 for Riesz spaces, Math. Slovaca, 51 (2001), 185-204.

26) A. BOCCUTO, A. V. BUKHVALOV, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Some Inequalities in Classical Spaces with Mixed Norms, Positivity 6, (2002) 393-411.

27) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Vitali and Schur-type theorems for Riesz space-valued set functions, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 50 (2002), 85-103.

28) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Uniform s-boundedness and convergence results for measures with values in complete l-groups, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 265 (2002), 170-194.

29) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Dieudonné-type theorems for set functions with values in l-groups, Real Analysis Exchange, 27 (2001/2002), 473-484.

30) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, A note on the improper Kurzweil-Henstock integral, Acta Univ. M. Belii Math., 9 (2001), 7-12 (Banska Bystrica).

31) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, A note on improper Kurzweil-Henstock integral in Riesz spaces, Acta Math. (Nitra), 5 (2002), 15-24; Addendum to ”A note on improper Kurzweil-Henstock integral in Riesz spaces”, Proceedings of the II Conference of Mathematics in Nitra, ibidem, 7 (2004), 53-59.

32) A. BOCCUTO, M. DISCEPOLI, I. GERACE, R. PANDOLFI, P. PUCCI, A GNC Algorithm for Deblurring Images with Interacting Discontinuity (2002), Proceedings of VI SIMAI Meeting, Chia Laguna (Cagliari), Italy, May 27-31, 2002.

33) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, A note on a Pettis-Kurzweil-Henstock-type integral in Riesz spaces, Real Analysis Exchange, 28 (2002/2003), 153-161.

34) A. BOCCUTO, Decomposition theorems in l-groups, Real Anal. Exchange, Summer Symposium 2003, 129-134.

35) A. BOCCUTO, Egorov property and weak sigma-distributivity in l-groups, Acta Math. (Nitra) 6 (2003), 61-66.

36) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, Henstock-Kurzweil type integration of Riesz-space-valued functions and applications to Walsh series, Real Anal. Exchange 29 (2003/2004), 419-438.

37) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Convergence and decompositions for l-group-valued set functions, Comment. Math. (Prace Mat.) 44 (2004), 11-37.

38) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Ito formula in Riesz spaces, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference IPMU, Perugia, July 2004 (2004), 1807-1814.

39) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Kondurar Theorem in Riesz spaces, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference IPMU, Perugia, July 2004 (2004), 1815-1822.

40) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, On the Kurzweil-Henstock integral for Riesz-space-valued functions defined on unbounded intervals, Czech. Math. J. 54 (129) (2004), 591-607.

41) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, The Henstock-Kurzweil integral for functions defined on unbounded intervals and with values in Banach spaces. Acta Math. (Nitra) 7, (2004) 3-17.

42) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, A McShane integral for multifunctions, J. Concr. Appl. Math.  2 (4)  (2004) 307-325.

43) A. BOCCUTO, J. HALUŠKA, A skeleton of Fubini-type theorem in vector spaces for the Kurzweil integral and operator measures, Math. Slovaca 54 (2004), 423-432.

44) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Uniform Boundedness Theorems in Riesz spaces, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia 52 (2004), 369-382.

45) A. BOCCUTO, G. PACELLI, M. C. RECCHIONI, F. ZIRILLI, Spectral concentration phenomena for the Laplace operator with the Dirichlet boundary condition on a cavity, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 135 A (2005), 513-535.

46) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, Comparison of some Henstock-type integrals in the class of functions with values in Riesz spaces (Russian), Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh. (2006), n. 3, 13-18; translation in Moscow Univ. Math. Bulletin 61 (2006), n. 3, 12-17.

47) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Several types of equations in Riesz spaces and applications, Acta Math. (Nitra), 8 (2005), 7-21.

48) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, A survey of decomposition and convergence theorems for l-group-valued measures, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia 53 (2005), 243-260.

49) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, The Ward, Perron and Henstock-Kurzweil integrals with respect to abstract derivation bases in Riesz spaces, Real Anal. Exchange 31 (2005/2006), 431-446.

50) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, E. KUBINSKA, Kondurar Theorem and Ito formula in Riesz spaces, J. Concr. Appl. Math. 4 (2006), 67-90.

51) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, On Kurzweil-Henstock type integrals with respect to abstract derivation bases for Riesz-space-valued functions, J. Appl. Funct. Anal. 1 (2006), 251-270.

52) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Integral and Differential Calculus in Riesz Spaces and applications, J. Appl. Funct. Anal. 3 (2008), 89-111.

53) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, Convergence theorems for the (SL)-integral in the Riesz space-context, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 34 (2006), 201-222.

54) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, The Kurzweil-Henstock Integral for Riesz Space-Valued Maps Defined in Abstract Topological Spaces and Convergence Theorems, PanAmerican Math. J. 16 (2006), 63-79.

55) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, Some applications of the Maeda-Ogasawara-Vulikh representation theorem to Differential Calculus in Riesz spaces, Acta Math. (Nitra), 9 (2006), 13-24; Addendum to:"Some applications of the Maeda-Ogasawara-Vulikh representation theorem to Differential Calculus in Riesz spaces", Acta Math. (Nitra), 12 (2009), 39-46.

56) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, Improper Kurzweil-Henstock integral for metric semigroup-valued functions, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia 54 (2006), 75-95.

57) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, V. A. SKVORTSOV, Integration by parts for Perron type integrals of order 1 and 2 in Riesz spaces, Results Math. 51 (2007), 5-27; Erratum to: Integration by parts for Perron type integrals of order 1 and 2 in Riesz spaces, Results Math. 57 (2010), 393-396.

58) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Some properties of an improper GHk integral in Riesz spaces, Indian J. Math. 50 (2008), 21-51.

59) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, A. R. SAMBUCINI Stieltjes-type integrals for metric semigroup-valued functions defined on unbounded intervals, PanAmerican Math. J. 17 (2007), 39-58.

60) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, The symmetric Choquet integral with respect to Riesz space-valued capacities, Czech. Math. J. 58 (133) (2008), 289-310.

61) A. BOCCUTO, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Schur and Nikodym convergence-type theorems in Riesz spaces with respect to the (r)-convergence, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia 55 (2007), 33-46.

62) A. BOCCUTO, Some generalizations of the Kurzweil-Henstock integral in abstract spaces, Real Anal. Exchange, Summer Symposium, Oxford 2007, 201-206.

63) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Sobczyk-Hammer decompositions and convergence theorems for measures with values in l-groups, Real Anal. Exchange 33 (2007/2008), 91-106.

64) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, On extension theorems for M-measures in l-groups, Math. Slovaca 60 (2010), 65-74.

65) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, The contraction principle in Riesz spaces and applications to differential and stochastic equations, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia 55 (2007), 13-31.

66) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, B. RIECAN, Abstract generalized Kurzweil-Henstock-type integrals for Riesz space-valued functions, Real Anal. Exchange 34 (2009), 171-194.

67) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, A. R. SAMBUCINI, On the product of M-measures in l-groups, Australian J. Math. Anal. Appl. 7, n.1 (2010), Art 9, pp.1-8.

68) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, The Concave Integral with respect to Riesz Space-valued Capacities, Math. Slovaca 59 (2009), 647-660.

69) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Integral and Ideals in Riesz Spaces, Inform. Sci. 179 (2009), 2891-2902.

70) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Convergence and Fubini Theorems for metric semigroup-valued functions defined on unbounded rectangles, PanAmerican Math. J. 19 (2009), 1-12.

71) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Defining Limits by means of Integrals, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, series: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 201 (2009), 79-87.

72) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, A Fubini theorem in Riesz spaces for the Kurzweil-Henstock integral, J. Funct. Spaces Appl. 9 (3) (2011), 283-304.

73) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, V. A. SKVORTSOV, The Perron Integral of order Two in Riesz Spaces via Peano Derivatives, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis 16 (2009), 45-59.

74) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Differential Calculus in Riesz Spaces and applications to g-calculus, Mediterranean J. Math. 8 (3) (2011), 315-329.

75) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, The Perron Integral of order k in Riesz Spaces, Positivity 14 (2010) (4), 595-612.

76) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Some new results about Brooks-Jewett and Dieudonné-type theorems in (l)-groups, Kybernetika 46 (2010) (6), 1049-1060.

77) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, Uniform (s)-boundedness and regularity for (l)-group-valued measures, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 9 (2) (2011), 433-440.

78) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, A note on comparison between Birkhoff and McShane-type integrals for multifunctions, Real Anal. Exchange 37 (2) (2012), 315-324.

79) A. BOCCUTO, A. M. MINOTTI, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Set-valued Kurzweil-Henstock integral in Riesz space setting, PanAmerican Math. J. 23 (1) (2013), 57-74.

80) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, P. PUCCI, Convex Approximation Technique for Interacting Line Elements Deblurring: A new approach, J. Math. Imaging Vision 44 (2) (2012), 168-184.

81) A. BOCCUTO, Ch. PAPACHRISTODOULOS, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, On p-convergence in measure of a sequence of measurable functions, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2011 (2011), Art. ID 582576, 7 pp.

82) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Convergence theorems for the optimal integral in Riesz spaces, Acta Math. (Nitra) 13 (1) (2010), 55-61.

83) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Unconditional convergence in lattice groups with respect to ideals, Commentationes Math. 50 (2) (2010), 161-174.

84) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Schur and matrix theorems with respect to I-convergence, Proceedings of the 13th Panhellenic Conference on Mathematical Analysis held in Ioannina, 28-29 May 2010, Ioannina, N. 21,Special volume, December 2012, n. 2, 1-16.

85) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Countably additive restrictions and limit theorems in l-groups, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia, 57 (2010), 121-134; Addendum to: "Countably additive restrictions and limit theorems in l-groups", ibidem 58 (2011), 163-174.

86) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Some versions of limit and Dieudonné-type theorems with respect to filter convergence for l-group-valued measures, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 9 (6) (2011), 1298-1311.

87) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Brooks-Jewett-type theorems for the pointwise ideal convergence of measures with values in l-groups, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 49 (2011), 17-26.

88) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Basic matrix theorems for I-convergence in l-groups, Math. Slovaca  62 (5) (2012), 885-908.

89) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Schur lemma and limit theorems in lattice groups with respect to filters, Math. Slovaca 62 (6) (2012), 1145-1166.

90) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Limit theorems in l-groups with respect to D-convergence, Real Anal. Exchange 37 (2) (2012), 249-278.

91) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, W. WILCZYNSKI, Ideal exhaustiveness, continuity and alpha-convergence for lattice group-valued functions, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 70 (2) (2011), 211-227; Addendum to " Ideal exhaustiveness, continuity and alpha-convergence for lattice group-valued functions", ibidem 75 (3) (2012), 383-384.

92) A. BOCCUTO, P. DAS, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Ideal exhaustiveness, weak convergence and weak compactness in Banach spaces, Real Anal. Exchange 37 (2) (2012), 389-410.

93) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Ideal exhaustiveness and limit theorems for l-groups, Acta Math. (Nitra) 14 (2011), 65-70.

94) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Uniform boundedness principle, Banach-Steinhaus and approximation theorems for filter convergence in Riesz spaces, Proceedings of International Conference on Topology and its Applications ICTA 2011, Cambridge Sci. Publ. (2012), 45-58.

95) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Some properties of ideal alpha-convergence in l-groups, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 72 (1) (2011), 93-99.

96) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Some new results on limit theorems with respect to ideal convergence in l-groups, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia 58 (2011), 163-174.

97) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Ideal convergence and divergence of nets in l-groups, Czech. Math. J. 62 (137) (2012), 1073-1083.

98) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Modular filter convergence theorems in Orlicz spaces for Urysohn integral operators and applications, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 29 (6) (2013),  1055-1066.

99) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Modular convergence theorems for integral operators in the context of filter exhaustiveness and applications, Mediterranean J. Math. 10 (2) (2013), 823-842.

100) E. ATHANASSIADOU, A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Ascoli-type theorems and ideal α-convergence, Filomat 26 (2) (2012), 397-405.

101) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Modes of continuity involving almost and ideal convergence, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 52 (2012), 115-131.

102) A. BOCCUTO, P. DAS, X. DIMITRIOU, A Schur-type theorem for I-convergence and maximal ideals, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 81 (3) (2012), 517-529.

103) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, F. TULONE, A Hake-type theorem for integrals with respect to abstract derivation bases in the Riesz space setting, Math. Slovaca 65 (6) (2015), 1319-1336.

104) E. ATHANASSIADOU, A. BOCCUTO, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, Modes of α-convergence of sequences of functions, Comment. Math. (Prace Mat.), 53 (1) (2013), 83-94.

105) C. BARDARO, A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, I. MANTELLINI, Modular filter convergence theorems for abstract sampling-type operators, Appl. Anal. 92 (11) (2013), 2404-2423.

106) C. BARDARO, A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, I. MANTELLINI, Abstract Korovkin-type theorems in modular spaces and applications, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 11 (10) (2013), 1774-1784.

107) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, N. PAPANASTASSIOU, W. WILCZYNSKI, Modes of ideal continuity and the additive property in the Riesz space setting, J. Appl. Anal. 20 (1) (2014), 41-53.

108) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Ideal limit theorems and their equivalence in l-group setting, J. Math. Research 5 (2) (2013), 43-60.

109) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Modes of ideal continuity of l-group-valued measures, Intern. Math. Forum  8 (17) (2013), 841-849.

110) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Limit theorems for topological group-valued measures, Acta Math. (Nitra) 16 (2013), 37-43.

111) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Some new types of filter limit theorems for topological group-valued measures, Real Anal. Exchange 39 (1) (2014), 139-174; Addendum to “Some new types of filter limit theorems for topological group-valued measures”, ibidem, 40 (1) (2015), 227-232.

112) A. BOCCUTO, P. DAS, On matrix methods of convergence of order α in l-groups, Filomat 29 (9) (2015), 2069–2077.

113) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, A. R. SAMBUCINI,  Vitali-type theorems for filter convergence related to vector lattice-valued modulars and applications to stochastic processes, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 419 (2014), 818-838.

114) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU,  More on filter exhaustiveness of lattice group-valued measures, Acta Math. (Nitra) 17 (2014), 35-41.

115) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Rates of approximation for general sampling-type operators in the setting of filter convergence,  Appl. Math. Comput. 229 (2014), 214-226.

116) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Nikodým theorems for lattice group-valued measures   with respect to filter convergence, Adv. Pure Math. 4 (5) (2014), 213-221.

117) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Ascoli-type theorems in the cone metric space setting, J. Inequalities Appl. 2014 (2014), Article 420, 16 pages.

118) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Semicontinuous filter limits of nets of lattice group-valued functions, Proceedings of the 31st PanHellenic Conference on Mathematical Education, Veria (Greece), 7-9th November 2014, (2014) 1-10.

119) C. BARDARO, A. BOCCUTO, K. DEMIRCI, I. MANTELLINI, S. ORHAN, Triangular A-statistical approximation by double sequences of positive linear operators,  Results Math. 68 (2015), 271–291.

120) C. BARDARO, A. BOCCUTO, K. DEMIRCI, I. MANTELLINI, S. ORHAN, Korovkin-type theorems for modular Ψ–A-statistical convergence, J. Funct. Spaces 2015 (2015), Article ID 160401, 11 pages.

121) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, On filter (α)-convergence and exhaustiveness of        function nets in lattice groups and applications, J. Math. Research 7 (2) (2015), 56-68.

122) A. BOCCUTO, V. A. SKVORTSOV, F. TULONE,  Integration of functions with values in complex Riesz spaces and some applications in harmonic analysis, Math. Notes 98 (2015), 12-26.

123) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Asymmetric Ascoli-type theorems and filter exhaustiveness, Appl. Math. Sci. 9 (108) (2015), 5389-5398.

124) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Henstock multivalued integrability in Banach lattices with respect to pointwise non atomic measures, Reand. Lincei Mat. Appl. 26 (4) (2015), 363-383.

125) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Strong uniform continuity and filter exhaustiveness of nets of cone metric space-valued functions, Selected papers of the 2014 International Conference on Topology and its Applications (2015), 21-36.

126) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Limit theorems for k–subadditive lattice group-valued capacities in the filter convergence setting, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 65 (2016), 1-21.

127) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Korovkin-type theorems for abstract modular convergence, Results Math. 69 (3)  (2016), 477-495.

128) A. BOCCUTO, A Stone-type extension for non-additive set functions, Acad. Open Math. Research J. 1 (1) (2016), 1-13.

129) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Matrix theorems and interchange for lattice group-valued series in the filter convergence setting, Bull. Hellenic Math. Soc. 59 (2016), 39-55.

130) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Abstract theorems on exchange of  limits and preservation of (semi)continuity of functions and measures in the filter convergence setting, J. Funct. Spaces 2016 (2016), Article ID 4237423, pp. 1-10.

131) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Limit theorems for lattice group-valued k-triangular set functions, Proceedings of the 33rd PanHellenic Conference on Mathematical Education, Chania, Greece, 4-6 November 2016 (2016), 1-10.

132) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, Image reconstruction with a non-parallelism constraint, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 27-28 October 2016, IEEE Conference Publications (2016), 1-5. 

133) A. BOCCUTO, D. CANDELORO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Lp spaces in vector lattices and applications, Math. Slovaca 67 (6) (2017), 1409-1426.

134) G. BARBIERI, A. BOCCUTO, On extensions of k-subadditive  lattice group-valued capacities, Italian J. Pure Appl. Math. 37 (2017), 387-408.

135) G. BARBIERI, A. BOCCUTO, On some properties of  k-subadditive lattice group-valued capacities, Math. Slovaca 67 (6) (2017), 1387-1408.

136) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, F. MARTINELLI, Half-Quadratic Image Restoration with a Non-Parallelism Constraint, J. Math. Imaging Vision 59 (2) (2017), 270-295.

137) A. BOCCUTO, A. DI NOLA, G.VITALE, Affine representations of l-groups and MV-algebras, Algebra Univers. 78 (2017), 563–577.

138) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Schur-type Theorems for k-Triangular Lattice Group-Valued Set Functions with Respect to Filter Convergence, Appl. Math. Sci. 11 (57) (2017),  2825-2833.

139) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Equivalence between limit theorems for lattice group-valued k-triangular set functions, Mediterranean J. Math, 15 (4) (2018), 1-20.145)

140) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Filter exhaustiveness and filter limit theorems for k-triangular lattice group-valued set functions, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 30 (2019), 379-389. 

141) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, V. GIORGETTI, M. RINALDI, A Fast Algorithm for the Demosaicing Problem Concerning the Bayer Pattern, The Open Signal Processing Journal 6 (2019), 1-14.

142) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Dieudonné-type theorems for lattice group-valued k-triangular set functions, Kybernetika  55 (2) (2019), 233-251.

143) A. BOCCUTO, A. CARPI, On the length of uncompletable words in unambiguous automata, RAIRO - Theor. Inf. Appl. 53 (3-4) (2019), 115-123.

144) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, V. GIORGETTI, A Blind Source Separation Technique for Document Restoration, SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 12 (2) (2019), 1135-1162.

145) A. BOCCUTO, Hahn-Banach-type theorems and applications to optimization for partially ordered vector space-valued invariant operators, Real Anal. Exchange 44 (2) (2019), 333-368.

146) K. DEMIRCI, A. BOCCUTO, S. ORHAN, F. DIRIK, Relative uniform convergence of a sequence of functions at a point and Korovkin-type approximation theorems, Positivity 24 (1) (2020), 1-11.

147)  A. BOCCUTO, K. DEMIRCI, S. YILDIZ, Abstract Korovkin-type theorems in the filter setting with respect to relative uniform convergence, Turkish J. Math. 44 (4) (2020), 1238-1249.

148) A. BOCCUTO, B. HAZARIKA, H. KALITA, Kuelbs–Steadman Spaces for Banach Space-Valued Measures, Mathematics 8 (2020), art. 1005, 1-14. 

149)  M. CODINI, C. TRINGANIELLO, L. COSSIGNANI, A. BOCCUTO, A. MIRARCHI, L. CERQUIGLINI, S. TROIANI, G. VERDUCCI, F. F. PATRIA, C. CONTE, S. CATALDI, M. R. CECCARINI, R. PARONI, M. DEI CAS, T. BECCARI, F. CURCIO, E. ALBI, Relationship between Fatty Acids Composition/Antioxidant Potential of Breast Milk and Maternal Diet: Comparison with Infant Formulas, Molecules 25 (2020), art. 2910, 1-18.

150) G. D’ALBERTI, C. FERRERI, A. V. LAROCCA, P. TORQUATO, A. BOCCUTO, C. GIZZI, E. ALBI, Overweight and erythrocyte polyunsaturated fatty acid changes
in menopause, The EuroBiotech Journal, 4 (3) (2020), 144-149.

151) A. BOCCUTO, A. CARPI, Repetitions in Toeplitz Words and the Thue Threshold. In: Anselmo M., Della Vedova G., Manea F., Pauly A. (eds): Beyond the Horizon of Computability. CiE 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12098, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 264-276.

152) A. BOCCUTO, Some new results on Dieudonné-type theorems for k-triangular lattice group-valued set functions, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. 13(4) (2020), 495-502.

153) A. BOCCUTO, Hahn-Banach and Sandwich Theorems for equivariant vector lattice-valued operators and applications, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 76 (2020), 11-34.

154) G. BARBIERI, A. BOCCUTO, G. VITALE, Algebraic Structures for Pairwise Comparison Matrices: Consistency, Social Choices and Arrow’s Theorems, Math. Slovaca 71 (5) (2021), 1047-1062.

155) C. BARDARO, A. BOCCUTO, I. MANTELLINI, A survey on recent results in Korovkin’s approximation theory in modular spaces, Constructive Math. Anal. 4 (1) (2021), 48-60.

156) A. BOCCUTO, Hahn-Banach-type theorems and subdifferentials for invariant and equivariant order continuous vector lattice-valued operators with applications to optimization, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 78 (2021), 139-156.

157) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Some applications of modular convergence in vector lattice setting. Sampl. Theory Signal Process. Data Anal. 20 (2) (2022), Paper No. 12, 18 pp.

158) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, V. GIORGETTI, A Fast Discrete Transform for a Class of Simultaneously Diagonalizable Matrices. In: Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Hendrix, E. M. T., Taniar, D., Apduhan, B. O. (Eds), Proceedings of the

22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022, Malaga, Spain, July 4–7, 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13375, Springer, Cham, pp. 214--231, 2022.


159) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, V. GIORGETTI, Interference Level Estimation for a Blind Source Separation in Document Restoration. In: Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Hendrix, E. M. T., Taniar, D., Apduhan, B. O. (Eds), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022, Malaga, Spain, July 4–7, 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13375, Springer, Cham, pp. 428--444, 2022.


160) A. BOCCUTO, I. GERACE, V. GIORGETTI, G. VALENTI, A Blind Source Separation Technique for Document Restoration Based on Image Discrete Derivative. In: Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Hendrix, E. M. T., Taniar, D., Apduhan, B. O. (Eds), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022, Malaga, Spain, July 4–7, 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13375, Springer, Cham, pp. 445--461, 2022.


161) A. BOCCUTO, A. R. SAMBUCINI, Abstract integration with respect to measures and applications to modular convergence in vector lattice setting, Results Math. 78 (1) (2023), Paper No. 4, 41 pp.



1) A. BOCCUTO, B. RIECAN, M. VRÁBELOVÁ, Kurzweil-Henstock Integral in Riesz Spaces, Bentham Science Publ., Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2009.  ISBN 978-1-60805-003-1

2) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Convergence theorems for lattice group-valued measures, Bentham Science Publ., Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2015. ISBN 9781681080109

3) A. BOCCUTO, X. DIMITRIOU, Non-additive lattice group-valued set functions and limit theorems, Lambert Acad. Publ., 2017. ISBN 978-613-4-91335-5.



A. BOCCUTO, M. DISCEPOLI, I. GERACE, R. PANDOLFI, P. PUCCI, Tecniche di  minimizzazione gradualmente non convesse per il restauro di immagini sfuocate (2002), Technical Report n. 2002/16, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Perugia.





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